New ASIS Handbook Preparing for Certification
ASIS International publishes” Preparing for the CPP, PCI, and PSP Exams” to assist security professionals who wish to attain these designations. ASIS International provides the complimentary publication to encourage security professionals to use this publication for individual or group study.
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ASIS - “Things” that are Happening Behind the Scenes!
As valued ASIS International members you may not always be aware of what we are doing behind the scenes. Each month, ASIS International updates in real time membership data and statistics which is available directly from the ASIS membership database. Please read on for more “behind the scenes” information.
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Cloud Computing, Moving Forward with Strategy
“Cloud computing” means the ability to store and access data and programs over the internet instead of using your computer’s hard drive (that is known as local storage). Therefore the first requirement is internet access where you can then access your work anytime from any location. A recent review of cloud computing activity estimates annual turnover for cloud providers of around $100 billion.
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New Research - Liquor Outlet Density and Violence
New research by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has found that domestic assaults increase markedly when the number of hotels in a Local Government Area (LGA) exceeds two per 1,000 residents. The study also found that a sharp increase in domestic violence and packaged liquor licences but the relationship was weaker when the threshold was lower (0.75 per 1,000 residents).
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ASIS Asia-Pacific News Features Vic Chair
Todays Asia-Pacific news featured a front page article by our Chair - Dr Tony Zalewski. The article entitled "Security-Related Themes in Australian Litigation" provides information on the steady growth in civil litigation involving the security sector.
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The Importance of Competent Supervision in Managing Operational Risk
Supervisors are well recognised as the link between operational field staff and management. They are responsible to ensure appropriate work mechanisms support organisational objectives. A risk review should consider the appropriateness or otherwise of supervisory functions, processes and systems as deficiencies often flow down to operational field staff and their level of performance.
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February Breakfast - Another Successful Event!
The "sold out" February Breakfast at the Metropolitan, Melbourne today was another success for the Chapter. Those is attendance were well informed and entertained by the two guest speakers Michael Wheeldon and Rob Rosa.
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The Risk of Family Violence in the Workplace
Statistics recently released by Police reveal alarming increases of family violence in both the home and workplace. Security leaders need to take this risk into account in developing workplace risk controls. This must include potential victims and those who might be present should an incident occur in or around the workplace.
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Key Principles of CPTED
How an area is designed, maintained and managed contributes to its safety as it can directly influence individual and group behaviour. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (“CPTED”) should involve a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach that encourages a sense of community by those who frequent the area. A good CEPTD approach also deters criminal behaviour with many research projects…
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Electronic padlocks are proving popular
Electronic padlocks are becoming more popular as a method for removing traditional keys and improving user accountability. Increased use has occurred across industry sectors including road transport, freight depots and large critical infrastructure sites such as power plants.
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