Update - Inquiry Into Victoria's Hotel Quarantine Program
Day 1 comprised an opening address by Counsel Assisting and an outline of the matters to be addressed by the Inquiry.
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Inquiry Into Victoria's Hotel Quarantine Program
The inquiry into Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine system will hold its first public sitting in just 8 days amid concerns serious limitations of the probe may stop the truth from surfacing.
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The Private Security Issues Paper - Submit by 27 July!
Have your say on how the Victorian Government can improve the private security industry to make it fairer, safer and more professional. Submissions close 27 July 2020 so get in early please!
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Shopping Centre Violence in Victoria
It has long been known that youths loitering in shopping centres create a risk of gang violence. Data released across Victoria reveals an almost 90% increase of violence over the past five years.
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Quadruple Hits on Victoria Website
The multi award-winning Victoria Australia has experienced a substantial number of visits to its website during COVID-19 isolation. Each month the Chapter reviews activity on its website with a surprising increase in activity over recent months.
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PSOs Soon to be Authorised for Emergency Activities
A Bill entitled Police and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 is currently before the Victorian Parliament. Once passed, the law will enable PSOs to exercise legislative powers across Victoria in the case of an emergency.
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First Conviction for Industrial Manslaughter (Qld)
On 11 June 2020, the first conviction and sentence for a charge of industrial manslaughter was imposed in the Brisbane District Court.
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Australian Security Awards 2020
The Australian Security Award nominations are open and we encourage submissions now. Nomination forms and categories are outlined on the ASIAL website and offered through ASIAL, OSPAs and the Australian Security Medals Foundation.
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Chapter Member Survey 2020 Results
Victoria Australia Chapter members were surveyed recently as to their views of the Chapter and its member supports through the Committee. Thanks to Pascal Engler who conducted the survey.
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Workplace Manslaughter – A New Regulatory Approach
Thanks to Graham Manson, a Director/Founder of International Resilience Group and an Executive Committee member of ASIS Victoria Australia Chapter for this important article.
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