Voice Recognition Software
Security leaders know only too well the time taken to provide quality reports. Whether preparing an audit, risk, concept or progress document using Voice Recognition Software (VRS) can substantially increase productivity.
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Another Successful Event – Retail Theft & the Global Retail Theft Barometer
This week another successful event was conducted by the Chapter at the University of Melbourne’s Law Building. Entitled “Retail Loss Prevention and the Global Retail Theft Barometer” the event was attended by 55 members and guests.
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Failing to Act on the Risk of Terror
Recently, an article by our Chair Dr Tony Zalewski was published in Security Solutions (May/June) edition about exposures for organisations that fail to act or to effectively minimise risks associated with a terrorist incident.
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ASIS 62nd Annual Seminar and Exhibits
The 62nd Annual Seminar and Exhibits event is to be conducted in Orlando, Florida, USA 12 -15 September 2016.
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International Crimes Database
The International Crimes Database is an independent online public database comprising a large collection of decisions and judgements from national courts. Some content will be of interest to security leaders, especially those responsible for assessment of threats and vulnerabilities associated with international operations and travel.
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Congratulations ASIS NSW Chapter
The ASIS New South Wales Chapter 2016 Annual Conference entitled "I.T - The New Frontier of Security" was an outstanding success. With delegates from across Australia this high quality conference is a must for 2017.
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ASIS Dynamics Recognises Vic Event
The May/June issue of ASIS Dynamics reported on our recent Terrorism event that was sponsored by Nab at their Melbourne Conference Facility, Docklands.
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Entries for the 2016 Australian OSPAs Now Open
The OSPAs (Outstanding Security Performance Awards) recognise and reward companies and individuals across the security sector. Members of this Chapter, as security leaders are in a unique position to identify and promote outstanding performance.
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ASIS Vic Retail Security Breakfast Event
The ASIS Victoria Australia Chapter invites you to a highly recommended breakfast event on retail security at University of Melbourne’s Law Building in Carlton. The Event is conducted on Tuesday 21 June 2016.
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ASQA Security Training Review
The Australian Skills Quality Authority has published its findings from the national review of security industry training. Issues highlighted include inconsistent licensing across states and territories, poor quality training and deficient assessments.
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