Work-Related Violence Breakfast
Mr Jim Snipe, lead trainer in Clinical Aggression and Violence at Alfred Health presented to ASIS members and non-members on the growing impacts of work-related violence.
This session was well-received and provided important information to security leaders and those responsible for providing advice across organisations where there is a risk of work-related violence.
Jim spoke about the safety and well-being of hospital staff as one of the most concerning challenges in the healthcare sector. This is based upon an increasing number of violent incidents toward hospital staff.
Alfred Health has developed and introduced tailored training programs for frontline staff. The training course is designed to help staff identify triggers and signs of potential escalation in behaviour, utilise skills to de-escalate aggressive behaviours, manage aggressive behaviours and use practical techniques for self-protection and improved patient management.
Attendees took away the importance of having a risk-based approach to work-related violence, having staff input and to provide their staff with relevant and practical training.