Work-related Violence - 2014 VWA Guide for Employers Released
The issue of work-related violence remains a major concern for employers and employees with some sectors disclosing inceased rates of violence. The revised 2014 Guide entitled "Preventing and responding to work-related violence" is timely and will assist organisations address this common issue.
The 2014 Guide is an update from the 2003 publication and should become part of any organisations approach to this ongoing risk. It is suitable for risk assessors and workplace safety professionals alike to ensure appropriate and suitable approaches are adopted.
Recent data suggests that violence can occur in any workplace. However, more often occurs in the health, aged-care, disability, youth services, education and law enforcement sectors.
The Guide is attached to this news item for your information.
Work-related violence will be further discussed at an ASIS Victoria Australa Event early 2015.