The Private Security Issues Paper
Have your say on how the Victorian Government can improve the private security industry to make it fairer, safer and more professional. Submissions close 27 July 2020 so get in early please!
The Review will look at the current licencing and regulatory framework, the operation of the Private Security Act 2004 and its associated regulations. The Victorian Government needs to determine what reforms are appropriate to improve the safety and security of all Victorians. It will consider:
- the prerequisites that are needed to participate in the industry
- the training of employees
- how compliance is monitored and enforced
- employment practices and how workplace laws are applied.
The Review will deliver its final report and recommendations to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Treasurer and the Premier by December 2020.
Input from ASIS Victoria Australia Chapters is essential in promoting reforms. For many years members have voiced their concerns and now have a great opportunity to be part of the solution! Please make time to submit directly or through your Executive Committee. You can email us through the ASIS Vic website or using the Department of Justice and Community Safety link.
The link to the issues paper is - https://engage.vic.gov.au/