News Article



Tackling Insider Threats in Cybersecurity.

As cybercriminals grow more sophisticated, CISOs focus on external threats, but internal risks are escalating, warranting attention.

Imperva's research reveals that 58% of data security incidents stem from insiders, with 61% driven by malice. Despite this, many prioritize external threats due to budget constraints and misconceptions about internal risks. Yet, undisclosed insider breaches cost millions, urging proactive management.

Factors like financial strain and remote work exacerbate insider threats, as employees bypass IT policies, eroding security controls.

To address this, adopting a zero-trust model and fostering board engagement can minimize attack surfaces. Comprehensive training empowers employees to detect and report suspicious activities.

Organizations must prioritize internal risk management by implementing proactive measures and empowering employees, ensuring cybersecurity resilience.

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