News Article



Maritime Security for Cruise Ships – Not The Love Boat!

The Australian House of Representatives made 11 recommendations to improving cruise ship security in a 2013 report. In November 2014 the Australian Government responded in its report Troubled waters: Inquiry into the arrangements surrounding crimes committed at sea

The report and recommendations were largely based upon issues raised by Australian Coroners and statistics relating to the investigation and reporting of crimes at sea, mainly on cruise ships. It was noted there are many jurisdictional issues that often make it difficult to identify responsible and potentially liable parties.

The IMO (International Maritime Organisation) is a collaborative of 171 member and 3 associate member States including Australia. Its primary purpose is to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework that includes addressing security issues.  Through representations from Australia the IMO has reviewed and implemented a number of security issues relevant to cruise ships.

The IMO website can be accessed through

The Australian Government report Troubled waters: Inquiry into the arrangements surrounding crimes committed at sea can be accessed through