News Article



EGM Outcome

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the ASIS Victoria Australia Chapter was held Tuesday 7 October 2014. Two motions put to the membership were unanimously approved.

Before voting, history of the Chapter and its former registration were explained. Members were also advised about administrative requirements as an incorporated association and the burden placed on the public officer (and Chapter) to comply with these requirements. The Committee has taken the view contemporary operations and risk are well managed utilising ASIS International Rules, common business approaches and ethical practices. ASIS International also provide insurance coverage for the Chapter through liability insurance. 

The first motion put to the meeting was "That the A.S.I.S Australian Chapter A0025059Y being an Association under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 be discontinued and deregistered as an Association" 

The second motion was "That the A.S.I.S Australian Chapter INC. name be changed to ASIS Victoria Australia Chapter" 

Now that the two motions have been approved, the Chapter will move toward deregistration under the legislation and also effect a name change with ASIC for the Chapter.

These motions do not impact upon the current or future objectives of the Chapter. However, as the Chair noted, the first motion actually lifts an administrative burden upon a voluntary group that is better served to meeting the needs of the Victoria Australia Chapter.