Commonly misspelled words!
Does reading reports or scrolling through social media highlight commonly misspelled words? Check out our quick security list
The most commonly misspelled words you will see out of context is there, their and they’re! These are closely followed by your and you’re!
Here are some of the most commonly misused words to be aware of so you’re not caught out:
- Effect and Affect are very different in meaning, though frequently confused. Affect is primarily a verb meaning “make a difference to” (the technology installed need not affect privacy…). Effect, on the other hand, is used both as a noun and a verb. It means “a result” as a noun (move the cursor until you get the effect you want) or “bring about a result” as a verb (growth in the security industry can only be effected by stringent economic controls).
- Licence and License. Most of us hold a security or driver’s licence (not license – that is USA spelling).
- Practise/Practice: Practise is the verb and practice is the noun. For instance, the doctor has been running his practise for 20 years whereas conducting a risk assessment is common industry practice.
- Principle/Principal: Principle is a noun meaning “a fundamental basis of a system of thought or belief”. Principal, on the other hand, can be an adjective meaning “main or most important” (it is a principal city) or a noun used to refer to the most senior or important person in an organisation (the principal of a company).
If you are ever in doubt about a particular word, or how to use it, there are plenty of free resources available. Check out the Oxford English Dictionary and Grammar Monster.