Chapter Committee Planning for 2022
The newly elected Chapter Committee had its first meeting on 19 January 2022. The Committee comprises a mixture of established and new members with a priority to ensure the needs of Chapter membership are fully realised.
The incoming Chair Dr Tony Zalewski thanked the outgoing committee for its excellent work over the particularly difficult years of 2020 and 2021. It was acknowledged that, due to the prevailing COVID-19 conditions, many Chapter members continue to work from home and participate in online meetings in providing professional services to the community and businesses generally. It is anticipated flexible delivery of services will continue to be an ongoing challenge as many businesses and enterprises seek to reopen.
The committee is currently working through its draft Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025, a draft Committee Code of Conduct and various protocols for lead committee roles. The intention of the Committee is to ensure there is open communication across the Chapter and that member interests are reflected throughout the year.
A new initiative currently planned is provision and support for Professional Development across the membership. A sub-committee has been formed to ensure the PD interests of Chapter members is achieved. Support will be based upon mentoring and financial support where appropriate.
More information will be provided from the next meeting on 8 February 2022.