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August Event - CPP Certifications and the Detection of Deceit

This event flows from our last with the human lie detector, Steve Van Aperen expanding upon his popular presentation on the detection of workplace deceit. Also, members of the Executive Committee will provide advice on obtaining globally recognised CPP Certification.

During interviews, negotiations and meetings most people will often try to suppress what they may be feeling or thinking. Steve’s presentation teaches you what non-verbal cues to look out for when people may be saying one thing but thinking something else!

Studies show that there are almost ninety individual muscles in the human face, with as many as five muscles combining at any one time to produce an expression, meaning that, astonishingly, a person’s face is capable of well over 10,000 visible facial configurations which give a pointer as to what a person is thinking or feeling.

Whenever a person experiences a basic emotion, a corresponding message is automatically sent to the muscles of the face.

Learn how to read these facial expressions and how to detect deception in this 1 hour presentation. Registration is essential through the Events page of this website. 

This is a great event to bring a colleague, network with like minded security leaders and benefit from a world standard presentation on the detection of deceit by an FBI trained expert.