ASIS Victoria National Conference Review
The inaugural ASIS International Australia Conference was successfully held yesterday with over 120 delegates in attendance. Feedback was most positive with requests for future conferences to be shared across other Australian ASIS Chapters.

The conference MC was Gordon Latimer, an ASIS Life Member and one of the founders of our Chapter. The conference welcome presented by Mr Bill Horman AM APM set the scene on the importance of security leadership in Australia, especially in the changing landscape of security risk. Each of the eight following speakers presented their specialist areas with highlights that included understanding terrorism and current threats including places of mass gathering, psychological aspects for inclusion of isolated youth, security management today and emerging trends associated with cybercrime, intelligence to maximise security capability and emergency management.
An online evaluation has been circulated to delegates to further inform and enhance future conferences.
ASIS Victoria Australia Chapter sincerely thanks all those involved including the tireless work of the Conference Sub-Committee and the leadership role taken by our Chair Pascal Engler.
We look forward to future conferences and happy to receive recommendations from interested persons.