News Article



3rd Annual Community Safety Conference An Outstanding Success

The 3rd Annual National Community Safety Conference conducted in Sydney from 28 to 30 September was an outstanding success. Presentations from subject matter specialists including our Chapter Chair Dr Tony Zalewski contributed to high-level satisfaction of delegates.

The conference had input from local and international specialists that covered a broad range of topics including the impact of multiculturalism, perceptions of crime, use of technology to enhance community safety and risk minimisation.

Days 1 and 2 comprised theoretical presentations with some case studies and Day 3 involved to 3 hour workshops.  The first was provided by Mr Laurie Gabites, a community safety specialist from New Zealand and the second provided by Dr Tony Zalewski.

Tony's workshop was well-received and focused on community-based risk minimisation strategies including work recently completed by the City of Melbourne and City of Sydney.

Next year's conference is a must for security and safety specialists as it also provides great networking opportunities as well as informative sessions on topical areas for community safety.